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Call for Volunteers – AUSA Annual Meeting

Writer's picture: Eunomia  JournalEunomia Journal

The Civil Affairs Association is looking for volunteers to assist with Association operations at the Association of the United States Army’s 2024 Annual Meeting & Exposition at the Convention Center in Washington, D.C. from Monday, 14 to Wednesday, 16 October 2024.


Every year, the Association runs a kiosk there to provide visibility on Civil Affairs, network with and educate the public as well as key leaders and interlocutors on CA, and help mainstream CA into the discussion of the future of the Army and Joint Force at the presentations and forums taking place at the Annual Meeting.


Association president Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Hugh Van Roosen is calling especially for Board members within a couple hours’ drive of the greater National Capital area to spend a few hours as part of our engagement team. At this time of great change, our engagement will be critical to ensuring that CA does not get lost in the conversation.


In addition to copies of The Civil Affairs Issue Papers and information on the 15-17 November Symposium in Philadelphia and CA Corps and Association awards, the Association will have its updated strategic communication briefing on display and related handouts on the “Civil Affairs Story” as aids to interaction. CA collectible items will also be available for sale.


This year, AUSA is providing the Association a space at a strategic location near the main entrance of the Convention Center. The Association kiosk, open from 8:00 to 17:00, will also serve as a command post for CA and Association personnel working the floor.


To sign up for coverage, contact Col. (Ret.) Edgar Seely, Association secretary, at or call him at

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