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A Vision for Integrated Civil Affairs in the US Marine Corps

The January 2022 Marine Corps Gazette featured an article by SSgt Abraham Blocker and Maj Diana X. Moga titled, "A Vision for Integrated Civil Affairs: Gaining an Edge in the Information Domain."

If the last twenty years of war has taught the Marine Corps anything, it is this: the importance of leveraging information-related capabilities in this chaotic, fluid, and constantly changing operating environment cannot be overstated. Areas ripe for improvement include rethinking civil affairs operators as warrior ambassadors, creating

a culture of collaboration and information sharing among interservice and intergovernmental partners, and investment in effective technology platforms.

U.S. Marine Maj. Diana Moga, a civil affairs officer with 4th Civil Affairs Group, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve (right), briefs Col. Robert Meade, commanding officer of Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force – Southern Command (left), and Teniente Coronel de Infanteria de Marina de Colombia (Colombian Marine Lt. Col.) Eduar Alexander Michaels Bravo, deputy commander of the SPMAGTF (center), on a construction site in Ocos, Guatemala, Nov. 7, 2019. Los Faros, a grade school in Ocos, is one of three projects completed by the SPMAGTF. New additions included classrooms, electrical work, furniture, bathrooms and sinks. The task force is conducting training and engineering projects hand-in-hand with partner nation military members in Latin America and the Caribbean during their deployment to the region, which coincides with hurricane season. Moga is a native of Bellaire, Texas. Meade is a native of Greenville, Tennessee. Michaels Bravo is a native of Bogota, Colombia. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Stanley Moy)

Click and download the full article from the Marine Corps Gazette here or click icon link below for the article PDF.

Maj Diana Moga, a Civil Affairs Officer with 4th Civil Affairs Group, speaking to school children at a Primary School in Ocos, Guatemala, 26 August 2019. (Photo by SSgt Abraham Blocker.)

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