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CA Regimental Awards

Civil Affairs Association

Updated: Feb 9, 2020

1. Regimental Awards. The Regimental Awards program is designed to honor past and present SF, CA, and PO Soldiers who have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character, an outstanding degree of professional competence, and have contributed to the promotion and advancement of their respective Regiment. Given on behalf of the Regiment by a respective unit commander and in cooperation and coordination with the respective Regimental association, each Regiment has a distinct award and award criteria as outlined below. The Regimental Commandants at USAJFKSWCS will receive and consider all award nominations (Appendix C) for members of a Regiment not assigned to a Regimental chain of command for signature by the SF, CA, or PO Commandants for Bronze and Silver medals and the Commanding General, USAJFKSWCS for the Gold medals. Special Forces nominations for the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Saint Philip Neri awards will be sent to the President, Special Forces Association, Post Office Box 41436, Fayetteville, NC 28309-1436.

a. Civil Affairs Regiment Award – The General Winfield Scott Medallion. This medallion has three tiers (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) and criteria associated with each. Any current or past member of the Civil Affairs Regiment may nominate a veteran of the Civil Affairs Regiment for the Silver or Gold Medallion. The Bronze Medallion is reserved for currently serving Active Army and Army Reserve CA-qualified Soldiers who have contributed in a significant way to the improvement of the U.S. Army Civil Affairs Regiment.

(1) BRONZE. Nomination authority for the Bronze Medallion is delegated to the active and reserve CA Brigade commanders. Each brigade may submit nominations for three Bronze Medallions per year. The U.S. Army 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne), U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, and U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) may submit two nominations for Bronze Medallions per year for consideration of approval to the CA Commandant. Any 38-series Soldier serving in a 38-series duty position outside the Regiment may be nominated by the first O6 or higher in their chain of command to the CA Commandant, for an annual total of two nominations. All nomination packets must be submitted to the CA Commandant’s office for historical tracking and archive. The CA Commandant is the approval authority for the Bronze Winfield Scott Medallion and will process for preparation, signature, and issuance of the certificate and the medallion.

No more than one Bronze Medallion may be awarded to an individual. The presentation of the Bronze Medallion to the recipient should be scheduled during a very special event such as a formal dinner, retirement, and similar affairs.

(2) SILVER. This Medal recognizes those veterans of the Regiment who have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity and moral character; displayed an outstanding degree of professional competence; served in the U.S. Army Civil Affairs Regiment or in activities or organizations that directly support the Regiment for a period of twenty years or more with selflessness; and contributed to the promotion of Civil Affairs or the Association in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipient's seniors, subordinates and peers alike.

Only thirteen nominees will be awarded the Winfield Scott Silver Medallion per calendar year. Nominations must be endorsed by the U.S. Army 1st Special Forces Command (A) or U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (A) if the nominee is assigned to a CA unit or through the first 06 in the nominee’s chain of command if assigned outside of a CA unit. USAJFKSWCS and 1st SF Command are allocated two each, and USACAPOC, Civil Affairs Association, and CA Commandant are allocated three each. Nominations will be routed to the Civil Affairs Commandant for approval/consideration , and they then prepare, sign, and issue the certificate and the medallion, if approved. This award may only be presented to veterans of Civil Affairs that have been awarded the MOS. The Winfield Scott Silver Medallion will be presented during very special ceremonies or formal social events.

(3) GOLD. The General Winfield Scott Gold Medallion is the most prestigious and of the highest order of the three awards. It is awarded to the most distinguished member(s) of the Regiment who have contributed to the career field and function of Civil Affairs in support of national defense, and should be recognized as a lifetime achievement award. The specific criterion for the Gold Winfield Scott Medallion is to have performed conspicuously, thirty years or more long-term service for or on behalf of the U.S. Army Civil Affairs Regiment or the Association.

Only five nominees will be awarded the Winfield Scott Gold Medallion per calendar year. The Civil Affairs Association will be allocated two of these. Additionally, one Gold Medallion may be presented posthumously. Not later than 30 March, nominations for the Winfield Scott Gold Medallion will be routed through the CA Commandant to the Commanding General, USAJFKSWCS for approval/consideration. The CG’s office will prepare and sign the certificate, if approved; the CA Commandant will issue the certificate and the medallion. This award may only be presented to veterans of Civil Affairs that have been awarded the MOS. The Winfield Scott Gold Medallion will be announced on the Regimental Anniversary in August of each year, and be presented during very special ceremonies or formal social events.

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